Invasive aspergillosis (IA) is increasingly recognized as a source of infection in immunocompromised ICU patients, but accurate diagnosis remains challenging.
In the majority of patients who develop the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), oxygenation can be supported using increased inspired oxygen concentrations (FIO2) or higher levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP).
Prilosec and Nexium Cleared; Anastrozole over Tamoxifen for Breast Cancer; Antibiotics and Steroids Not for Sinusitis; FDA Actions
When trying to explain a complicated clinical trial to participants, which approach is better: a jam-packed standard-issue informed consent document, or a lower reading level, more interactive model? And which would subjects prefer?
IRBs that desire to improve their informed consent (IC) forms might learn a great deal from questions and comments from people reviewing these forms.
While emphasis often is put on the linguistic challenges of consent creating a document that correctly outlines the details of the study in multiple languages there are cultural translation issues as well. What one culture means by "consent," "risk," or even "research" may be very different from how another culture interprets those concepts.
Nearly 47 million Americans lack health insurance, leaving them without regular access to health care and making them a potentially vulnerable population in health care research.